Physical Therapy & Wellness Services
HSA & FSA Accepted

PT Evaluation
PT Treatment
75 minutes
Your first session will consist of a thorough hands-on evaluation with treatment included as part of the session.
50 minutes
These sessions focus on treating your specific condition. They may consist of manual therapy, dry needling, cupping, rewiring neuromuscular patterns, posture reeducation, etc.​

Recovery Work
50 minutes
These sessions use various forms of bodywork with a focus on maintaining your gains and staying pain-free after intense workouts. These sessions are an excellent option for marathon runners, crossfit athletes, professional athletes, weekend warriors, cyclists, etc.

Wellness Membership
Twice weekly for 3 months
Our Wellness Membership is available exclusively to individuals aged 65 and older. Please contact us to learn more about how you can maintain and optimize your overall wellness.

Craniofacial Wellness
50 minutes
These sessions focus on activating and optimizing your lymphatic system, parasympathetic nervous system (relaxed state), and reducing tension in the facial and jaw muscles. You can expect dry needling, cupping and soft tissue massage to be a part of these sessions. Anyone can benefit from these wellness visits, but they can be especially effective for our TMJD, headache, migraine or over-stimulated vagus nerve patients.

Performance Visits
45 minutes
Are you pain-free, but looking to move well & stay well? We offer corrective exercise only visits. These visits will begin after a thorough sports movement assessment. Our focus will be on correcting any existing muscle imbalances and optimizing movement patterns so that you can begin incorporating proper form & technique during workouts.

Dry Needling
45 minutes
​We offer dry needling-only sessions for those who are specifically seeking this treatment style.

Abdominal Scar Release
30 minutes
We are now offering scar release sessions for abdominal surgeries! These can be fresh or old scars. Pending how restrictive the fascia and soft tissue structures are, the release may be completed in 1-3 visits. Benefits: improves flexibility of connective tissue, brings blood flow to scar, reduces pain and sensitivity, improves lymphatic flow.

Return to Run
6-12 visits
Looking to get back into running after an injury? We have created our own Return to Run Protocol to increase strength & movement awareness for an effective return to sport.